Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Welcome to D.C.

The sun shines and the birds chirp. I suspect the cherry trees will blossom soon. Though the air is brisk and the asphalt wet, there is that energy and youthful feeling abound that always comes with the approach of spring. We’ve now entered the month of March- a.k.a National Youth Civic Engagement Month, and like the farmers planting their seeds, we go to work. Voter harvest in November.

This is the first post since our website re-design, and we have since moved our offices around the corner and up the elevator to the 9th floor at 19th and M. Our boxes have all been unpacked, and our Mobilizer’s Guidebooks are stacked neatly in the shelves. Damien’s poster of the 2004 presidential and house election results, broken down by county, state, party control, and victory margin hangs triumphantly behind him. We are clearly ready to change some hearts and minds.


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